
Showing posts from April, 2018

The joy of shopping with the other sex (women))

  Men do you think you're invited? Once I wrote about shopping with the other sex, and wow it's harder than I ever imagined since I was a bachelor for so long. Now I go shopping with my beautiful Rowena to downtown Naga, every day! It's so hard, it spins my brain. Maybe there should be some sort of award for enduring this? Of course, this is my point of view there may be a few good  men  who have the endurance? When men go shopping it's zee dee a da get it done, it's a simple strategy. Before you go just go online and decide what and where; then just get it done. Because there is man stuff to do! Yes guys, man stuff like mowing the lawn? If you rise with the roosters, you will be ready to take her shopping or maybe to the beauty parlor; wow if you endure that you are some kind of a hero! Maybe the feminists have some special award for such endurance?  Ladies, don't you think your man deserves some special attention, maybe some


(1) Early to rise, Some may remember the movie ( One flew over the Coocoo'sNest).  A schizophrenic Native American man who pretends to be deaf and dumb so that everybody will ignore him narrates One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The novel begins the morning that a new "Admission," Randle McMurphy,  is introduced to an insane asylum where Chief is the longest-residing patient. McMurphy is larger than life, intelligent, and observant. He stirs up the ward immediately by introducing friendly competition—gambling—and encouraging the men to rebel against the petty rules created and enforced by Nurse Ratched.  Well here I am in Naga City,  the Philippines, starting week three, I am quick to declare it may be my cuckoo nest, OMG! The life here is simple you rise with the roosters, maybe by the millions, at 4:30 am,  yes that's AM!   I think of all the money I saved on an alarm clock?   It's almost like the ( the boys to men in harmony, the roosters of course ).