
Showing posts from October, 2018

What are some general topics to give a presentation in?

Question from Quora The answer is what is interesting in your life? Should your topic have life; as in the desire to tell others? Everyone has stories, some funny, some human interest, even success, and failure. Never be afraid, to be honest! Writing the speech takes lots of practice and some ability to write coherently, this sadly was never my skill. Most people have hobbies, eg, running, biking, even driving, these are in my opinion a perfect time to create a speech in your head. Being in the Landscape Maintenance business for years, I mowed lots of big properties, then listening to XM talk radio, the day Black Friday ( big shopping day in the US ) as the conversation when on about how crazy the shoppers were? Then I thought what a great topic for a speech. As a Toastmaster then almost a year every speech I gave, I had to read, and reading speeches is a learned talent. I was very bad! When Presidents speak they use teleprompters 3 to read from. So they always appear to...

**What is the best way to improve confidence for public speaking?

                                                                           WHATsUP                                                                       Weebeworld Hi Helen, What is the best way to improve confidence for public speaking, join ? It is all the three P’s Practice Practice Practice. Please go to my blog and read all the letters I answered here.

Can Toastmasters change my life if I have been quiet and shy all my life?

WHATsUp Weebeworld Question on Quora Becoming a Toastmaster is a change of life. As a guest at most clubs, visitors are treated just like part of the family; which generally happens; it becomes a sort of family.  Even if you are shy you will feel right at home. As a rule, visitors are only asked for a comment about their experience at the end of the meeting.  Some are so shy they say nothing? Over the years I have seen if they become a member in 2-3 months, you would never believe that person was shy. "Can Toastmasters change my life if I have been quiet and shy all my life"? Personally, thru Toastmasters, I became a Youth Leadership teacher, learned to write speeches, and now  my blog: and answering questions  on Quora. All thanks to Toastmasters.

Adalia L requested your answer What are some interesting speech topics about culture (For a TED Talk for an international school, preferably funny yet important)?

                                                                         WHATsUP Weebew Club Question from Quora Interesting question Adalia L, Ted Talks, are at the top of my list of things to watch. As a ninth grade drop-out, most of my education came from talk radio and books, before Ted and YouTube. As I thought about your question, I thought why not instead of spending thousands for college, go to Ted Talks, and if you don't like the teacher/speaker move to the next? Take notes, watch on your schedule, it may be the best education you don't have to buy? Adalia L,  You asked,  'What are some interesting speech topics about culture (For a TED Talk for an international school, preferably funny yet important'? Going to Ted Talks is like going to the Toastmasters International ...

Can you give me an already made sample of speech about self?

Jack Question from Quora The Adventures of Jack His name is Jack! Just imagine, as a young boy you were compared to Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn, but most of all Dennis the Menace. As a young boy Jack’s father carried Jack every day, it seemed to the public library. Jack to the delight of his father became an avid reader. Jack, loved adventure, he loved the stories of Mark Twain, Alexandre Dumas, and Jules Verne; they would impact Jack beyond anything his father could have imagined. The idea’s of rafting down the Mississippi, or swinging a sword like D’Artagnan or waking up on the Mysterious Island would capture Jack’s young mind. Like the great writers and storytellers, Jack yearned to become a man of words, a leader of people, a storyteller and someday capture the minds of young boys and girls with his stories. Jack’s First Big Adventure It was that night Jack and his father Jake went fishing, yes on the shore of the Mississippi River. That night the moon shown bri...

What the HELL is political correctness?

This morning on Facebook I saw a story about no more Chef Wahoo,  why stop there? Let's just eliminate all sports because it may harm someone? Let's be honest, sports are just-just stupid! But why stop there, burn the American flag; ban the Constitution because I guess it's useless? Please write Nike and ask them for a shoe with a picture of Colin Kaepernick, because we must honor our hero.  Better if there is still NFL football, it should be boycotted by the black players because of the brutally created by the NFL and the national anthem! Ok, you insist on watching your team; but to be politically correct team logoed shirts, hats and flags must be burned. Instead, honor our hero Colin Kaepernick by wearing a Che Guevara shirt,   Nike sneakers and honor the great leadership of Fidel Castro. THen you will be politically correct!

Will Toastmasters improve my ability to talk to people or just my ability to give speeches/presentations?

                                                                         WHATsUP Coming soon; Weebeworld Events Question on Quora Toastmasters will change your life, just follow the program. I have seen some who could barely stand and answer a simple question, change in just weeks. Everyone is different of course; join a club that meets weekly, be involved in the program as much as your able. From Table Topics TT to the Communication and leadership tracks, like anything in life it is all about practice. Personally, when I first started I wrote and then read my speeches; reading speeches and talking to the audience is a learned talent. Unless you have an excellent memory. Because it is so hard to read and look at them, I was terrible! So while mowing large lawns, I started creating speech...

When should I use a lectern when giving a speech or presentation?

                                                                         WHATsUP Weebeworld Public Speaking & Events Question from Quora Wow, great question? Some of the greatest speeches ever are from behind the lectern. Martin Luther King’s ( MLK) speech, called “I Have a Dream” was behind the lectern. Commemencent speeches, watch on Youtube aka Steve Jobs, and so many powerful speeches. Most all Presidental speeches. But! If you need notes or are reading, then you need the lectern. If your inexperienced and need notes; use captions, large print, and double space your lines. Even use something to slide down the page to keep your place. Always remember the 3 p’s practice, practice, practice. Reading a story or poem or any notes, learning to read and look at the audience can be done ...

What is a good example of an informative speech about technology?

                                                                         WHATsUP Weebeworld Interesting question? Who is your audience; if all the techies you best be knowledgeable? But most audiences know very little about Bitcoin, Blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning(ML). Every day I read Medium and CoinDesk to learn more about the direction of technology. Learning the code words they use is a must. All this new technology is in its infancy;  I would gear my speech about how to understand it, and it is tuff.  From what you learn, speak regarding what you think it all means to our future!

How to prepare for the future?

WHATsUP Weebew Club - we teach public speaking As the world changes; from the pony express to Amazon Prime, form Granpa Bell to iPhone, from Netscape to Google, now to AI and machine learning; are you preparing? The algorithm knows! How, with what you ask? For sure there will never be a $15 an hr. job at McDonald's; simply a robot can flip burgers, or make happy meals!  Without healthcare, smoking or Facebook breaks. Yes, Amazon is leading, just scan your card and shop, no cash registers, no employes who smoked weed, or slept 3 hrs. or arrives late? AI is leading us quickly into the future, non-stop! How to prepare for the FUTURE? Communication, what?  Simple the one thing we all can do is TALK? Are you scared of this thing called PUBLIC SPEAKING? How did all our leaders, politics aside become leaders   ( COMMUNICATION ) . From Jesus Christ to Marcus Aurelius, to Ceasar, Abe Lincoln to Hilter, Martin Luther King to Bill Clinton, Barack Obama to ...

How did Toastmasters make you a better person?

                                                                          WHATsUP What should life be about; how much money can I make or how can I improve my life and the lives of others, even both! Being a Toastmaster pays big time, but mostly not in dollars. Unless you become a Toastmaster International Speech Champion? The simple beginning of learning to become a better speaker is what we call Table Topics (TT). A Toastmaster is assigned each meeting to ask extemporaneous questions, simple, and sometimes set to the club theme that meeting. The questions are unknown to the participants; the goal is to make up an answer, trying to make the 1 - 2-minute goal. It does not need to be true; the goal is to break the fear of public speaking, by standing and speaking. Also if your lucky you didn’t di...