Just a BIG thank you

Weebew Club
teach public speaking
It is truly amazing as you travel thru life all the wonderful, and interesting people you meet!  Many just acquaintances, others become part of your successes and failures, some capture your heart forever.

Just yesterday on Facebook I saw Rick Furbush DTM ( Distinguished Toastmaster) was leaving the hospital, 
after a successful operation.

I think what if you never got to say THANK YOU?

Rick and Kathy Furbush were leaders in our Districts 47 & 48 for years, they always gave my Youth Leadership Program  ( Youth Speaking to America ) YSTA; space at District Conferences and TLI training programs.
Yes, THANKS there is so much reward in teaching children.

Please find more about these programs here at. Http://napkinsroosters.blogspot.com.

I owe the birth of a new life to Toastmasters, Tampa Toastmasters 1810 & St. Petersburg Toastmasters 2284. Speakeasy Toastmasters and Seminole Toastmasters. You-all touched my life!

To Sanford Sabel DTM for introducing me to the Great American Teach-in. 2003. It was my first YLP at Alonso High School that spawned the birth of YSTA. THANK YOU, Sanford.

Toastmasters, Leaders like John Morse and Joan Noble, Jane strong, Terry Okus, Jeff Thomas, Emmet Clary, Vicki Wyne, Bob Turel,  Mark &  Jill Witecki, Rick Rhodes, Beatriz Schneikart, Denise Ford, Daryel Hamel,
 Donna Geeratisoonton. Jeanette Sweeny, and Ron Rice.
 Jim Martin, Herschel Abrams, from Speakeasy Toastmasters allowed me to continue the YLP at Madeira Beach Middle School in 2007.  The program was 8-10 weeks, with a speech contest/graduation at the end.  Our first contest winner and possibly best speaker ever was Chloe 12 years old.

Then I was contacted by Cheryl Rice, the teacher at Pasadena Fundamental Elementary to start at the program in her 5th grade gifted class. Yes, and for the next 5 years, we taught YLP Spring and Fall. She was great as she tolerated my quirkiness? Along with some out of school programs, there were 18 in all.
The summer of 2015, we presented The Battle of The Champions, with, Mark Gai, District 84 Champion, Michael Williams, District 47 Champion and our youth champion Steven.
Steven, Michael, York

The time with Seminole Toastmasters; THANK YOU all!

But little did I know was my life was changing forever, that I would move to the Philippines to marry the amazing Rowena and be able to continue my Youth Leadership Program, today Weebew Club, starting June 4, 2018, Book Talk for adults and mature students. See this blog for information on Weebew Kids and Book Talk.



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