Our changing world

Weebew Club
teach public speaking

 Top 3 free online courses for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

WHATsUP with Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, the Blockchain, Artificial intelligence machine learning, robots, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri, and so much more, does it make your brain go sort of crazy?Honda And SoftBank Researching Artificial Intelligence For Cars | DrivingSales News

     1.  Some thoughts on money
"Is the end of money, as we know it near. Whether fiat currencies go on the blockchain, or dominant apps become the payment gateways like on the New China internet, or that biometrics like facial recognition is the universal payments, we know many of our old ideas like money and how we use it, will change maybe dramatically." 
Quote Michael K. Spencer
  2.More on privacy
We’ve welcomed smart speakers into our homes with the kind of enthusiasm you don’t normally see around always-on listening devices, because from the very beginning, Amazon stressed that Alexa wasn’tVoice Calling, Messaging Comes to the Amazon Alexa App with an Update snooping on your conversations, and the data wasn’t being used for anything nefarious. While that might be true most of the time, every rule has an exception, as a family in Portland recently learned.

The woman, whose first name is Danielle, told KIRO7 News she received a phone call two weeks ago. “Unplug your Alexa devices right now,” the person on the other end of the line said. “You’re being hacked.” The caller turned out to be an employee of her husband, who had been receiving recordings of what was said in the house without her permission. But she wasn’t hacked — it was a bug with their Amazon Echos, which they had in every room. 

3. Are they coming from outer space? 
 The robots of course;Opinions on Robot just imagine you bought one of those cool robot vacuums,Robot Vacuum Reviews - Best Robot Vacuum and as it scurries around it photographs the inside of your home?
Or maybe it could be your job? New McDonald’s In Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots

New McDonald’s In Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots

Phoenix, AZ — After seeing a decline in earnings for the first time in nine years, McDonald’s plans to do something no other restaurant of its kind has ever done before; open a store run entirely by robots.
4. Change is coming whether we like it or not?

    In the last 100 or so or years, almost everything has changed, pony express toPony Express US MailMailman Clipart | Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images
Bell telephonealexander graham bell | johnwalshcopy to iPhoneApple iPhone 5 pictures, official photos

HorsesHorses Free Stock Photos - Free Stock Photos to the horseless carriage[The first horseless carriage in Vancouver] - City of Vancouver Archives

small imported cars to part electric[Toyota] Prius III - Page 14 to self-driving uberUber self-driving car in Pittsburgh: REVIEW, PHOTOS - Business Insiderto self-driving electric trucks.tesla_truck | Behind the Wheel

5. Are you concerned?
   I am, but for you; you see at 76 the biggest change for me is a box! Types of Coffin | Personal Picture Coffins from Colourful ...Friends I blog here because what happened in the past is gone and you must prepare for the next coming years.

With everything that has changed; the power of the human voice has not. 

Weebew Club
teach public speaking

Are you ready?
 Meetings: every Monday starting June 4
 Time: Meet & Greet  6 - 6:30 pm
 Start promptly: 6:30 - 8:30
 Weebew Kids: teaching English free: 1 pm, every Saturday, and Sunday
Text or email: to reserve a seat: 63-947-697-6447
Email: york.ysta@gmail.com


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