Sharing life at Wenbill Boarding House and the Future
Weebew Club |
We at the Wenbill Boarding House are working every day to create this stepping stone in your life as a better experience. Most of the boarders are students, some have made their way into the workforce, thus becoming an adult by assuming the responsibilities of an adult; like paying their own expenses.
As we strive for a better future, here at Wenbill we must share with others.
Some like myself almost never lived without airconditioning or hot running water or a washing machine. Cold bucket showers are a true experience for an American.
We each have a responsibility to keep the water buckets near full ( please do not remove the bucket or water ladel from the bathroom; they are only for washing and flushing!
Helping to conserve water, showering and doing laundry helps to keep the costs down; as seeing lights and fans, water, etc. are off after using. If these items become more expensive, the costs will be passed on to the boarders. It is your responsibility to clean-up and pick-up after yourself! We all share the same experiences here at Wenbill.
Myself old enough 76 to be your grandfather. With age comes wisdom, and experiences some of you could not imagine yet. My goal coming to Naga City was to marry the beautiful Rowena, teach English and public speaking to young adults.
Learning English should be a top priority if you want to advance from a $5.00 a day society? Thru out the world, English is the one language spoken.
In the next 10 years, the world around us will be completely different.
Your time here at Wenbill and school is short, in comparison to the rest of your life.
Your education here is cheap, as in the United States the cost is 5 times as much. Here in the Philippines $5.00 a day is an average wage; in the US minimum wage is around $8.00 an hour, even with no English skills
So as we know the math never lies that is $8x8 hours of work = $64.00-$5.00 then you have $59.00 more earned in the US a day.
This with no education, and or English skills.
Now you go to the US with your Engineering Degree, and English skills, a starting salary may be $50,000 a year and up. Some more math $5 a day, say you work 5 days that's $25.00 a week 267.34 peso, or $50,000 US Dollar = 2,684,000 Philippine Peso a year, you decide?
You may ask what can I do? First, put down the Facebook and games, and start reading. Get the Kindle app, or visit the library. (AI) artificial intelligence is coming, faster than you know, a robot may be waiting to replace you?
Three things you must do: lots of reading, learn how to code, and as much as you can learn about computers languages, and learn English.
I will offer free English classes for boarders, and reading advise.
Good luck
York and Rowena
Coming soon: Weebeworld Events
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