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How to solve a $5.00 Economic problem?
Each day here in Naga City; I struggle to wonder how Internet games are killing The children's ability to read or even care about there education.
How can we expect children to care if the parents don't? Sadly here the average man earns $5 a day; that's right the cost of a super duper Starbucks coffee in America.
When you travel to Naga, with your fiat dollars there value here is amazing. With example $800 you exchange for about 42,619 Filipino pesos.
Just imagine you want to tile two rooms, and paint the concrete walls and ceilings and casement windows,, tile a bathroom with all fixtures the approximate cost around 40,000 peso, parts, and labor. Wow, try that in the USA?
That sure beats the $80 -$100 an hour you pay in the US for one man.
Let's define that, the Plummer comes out and works 8 hrs that could be $ 640, without parts or taxes.
So here the painter, tile man, and laborer go home every night with $5.00 or about 265 peso. He works let's say 6 days 1590 peso per week, 6,350 peso per month. In fiat $ that's about $157 a month.
Just to give you ideas about the costs here.
I call it this because there seems to be little incentive to break this barrier?
So the title here 'How to solve a $5.00 Economic problem?'
Many would say let the government fix it, do they mean like they have done in Japan, China, and America? Let's throw money at the Unions, special interests, or just build buildings?
One example in China they built and built and built apartments, condos; except then like here in the Philippines you can't rent or own a for $20 a week on a $25 a week income. Soon it is said the second largest economy will crumble under its own top-down theory of economics.
As the US government, we just crank up the printing presses and throw another billion at the special interests and banks, why not it sure looks impressive. How many bridges or road have you seen fixed as promised? How many dishonest politicians or contractors, even union bosses have you seen go to jail?
Every country has a $5 economy, China the largest, how long before they march with pitchforks?
In the USA life is somewhat better for the immigrant worker here the immigrant worker; wage is about $8 an hour so that is $59 more for an 8 hr day than in the Philippines. Thou with the cost of living here so low the difference is slight.
The answer for immigrant workers or illegals is live in groups, in the US sharing the costs.
You can't fix a problem if you're afraid of progress, where would auto business be without Henry Ford?
A few days back on a morning walk I stopped to chat with gentlemen who spoke perfect English in a hardware store. I asked where can you find an A-frame?
Ok, this tool is used to hoist via a rope on a pulley from say the roof to the ground. He said they do it all by hand here?
Example, these new buildings are all concrete. They carry the blocks, the bags of sand, bags of cement up two or three flights of stairs, one at a time. A bag may weight 50-80lbs.
Simply, you think using the A-frame uses less labor, true. But if Henery Ford had introduced the assembly line were would the auto industry be today?
So what if the contractor or homeowner passed on the savings to the workers? Just like Ford did. What happened more folks could afford new Ford cars, shocking, gee what an amazing idea.
Here it takes five times as long to build because everything is done by hand.
I have watched two guys watch another with a hand saw cut a piece of wood, I have not seen a power saw here. Yes, drills and a tool for cutting tile. All the sand delivered for making cement is sifted by two men then carried to the roof work area to mix the cement by hand. Gee what if they had the A-frame and make the cement on the ground then put in in buckets to the roof? Probably saving a whole day for three or four men? Maybe the workers would be waiting in line to make maybe $1 more day?
Instead of a bread line, we call it a $1 line?
Success is progressive, soon other homeowners and builders will need to improvise to get workers?
How to change a $5 economy?
We went from the horse to the car, the telegraph to the phone, the Internet to now (AI ) artificial intelligence; what will change? Go to YouTube and see all the new ideas and modern technology. AI and machine learning are here, the robots are marching, but not with pitchforks, with your brain power!
They won't need Facebook or smoking breaks, or 6 wks childbirth leave, not even a vacation! Friends it is not a game, listen to what Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to name a few says.
Just like past revolutions, many are skeptical, as they were with the Internet and now cryptocurrencies and Blockchain; pay attention Bill Gates and Warren Buffet read at least a book a week, most likely because they are poor and stupid?
Soon almost all education will be available online. Right now you can save the thousands of dollars on education, by using the search engine. Reading makes you think; it brought me to create this blog and more, and surely you notice my poor grammar skills, I apologize, they threw me out of the 9 grade at 16 because I was such a good student. But first it was talk radio that introduced me to good books that changed my life; what about you?
Back too how to fix the $5 economic problem.
Now reading 'Zero Hour' by Harry Dent. Harry and his company Dent Research have studied economic trends of hundreds of years of different economies of the world. If you are interested in an excellent view of the past, present, and Future, it may open your left and right brain thinking?
So then what does a guy with a 9th-grade education think? There is a lot of my ideas and thoughts in there blogs.
If in the Philippines or China as examples $1 a day is a big deal, or maybe in the US it's $2 an hour or $20.
As a kid, I started mowing grass for Bob Riley at 16 for $.90 per hr. then $1, then $1.25 then $2. Wow, I was rich for a kid? My point how does someone get from $.90 to $2, desire, hard work, showing up on time(very important) with no education.
I will tell you it is not Facebook and Internet games; its parents who limit that stuff, parents who teach and read to children at very young ages.
It's not a top-down approach by the government; it's teaching how to go from $.90 to $2, it's reading, tell your kids stories about Abe Lincoln, or Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or the Heros of your country. Do you ever wonder why two of the richest men in the world read so much; it's simple they Realize there is so much more to learn.
You start with bottom-up innovation, just like AI is going to change your future; start now reading, writing, exploring the world, it is amazing. Introduce your A-frame idea, introduce the $5 guy to $6, be like Henry Ford invent, pay your workers more it pays. It really was 'pay it forward'.
Trickle down economics does work, it really is trickle-up. Remember some will always lose in a revolution, but from the Boston Tea Party too, the French Revolution, to the Civil War, to I Have a Dream, change is hard but better, except when it's all lies by Barack Obama.
Trickle-up is when you let your employees do what they do best, let them experience a way to ownership, to better salaries just like Henry Ford
Trickle down the profits, increase pay, then because of higher wages they were now able to afford Ford cars, gee what a great idea!
It is simple to introduce your type of A-frame to your business to increase production, increase pay.
Possibly the most important invention of our time is Bitcoin/Blockchain.
Thousands of companies, cities, countries, and Entrepreneurs are investing its future. Just as in any revolution everything will not be pretty. But the growth, the new even unthought of businesses, the jobs will be amazing; if you prepare?
There will never be a $15 an hour McDonald's worker; they will be robots!
Just as my Great Great grandfather invented the Bell telephone; today the phone has more power than Big Blue did.
The Philippines has lots of manpower, it potential is awesome, it just needs some deep pockets. A Jeff Bezos, or Henry Ford or maybe an Abe Lincoln.
Why not become that person who adds 1-2or $5 more a day to some families life, with innovation.
Let's create a new word ' tricklenomics'
This is how to solve a $5 economy!
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