My Coconut head?

What’s a good attention grabber for my speech about coconuts?           

Image result for picture of a coconut head
Question on Quora?

True story? At age 14' I was visiting my cousins in So. Florida: yes it was hot as H….., we had been running around, so I sat down under this tree for some shade, I fell asleep.

Then it was thunder; my head exploded I thought the world was ending, I could not see, I stood arms outstretched I wandered not knowing? Then I heard a voice like “ what’s up doc?’ no, it wasn't Buggs Bunny, but it sounded like it!

The voice said what's that on your head, what? OMG as I put my hand to feel something as big as a coconut coming out of my head, are you kidding I said?

So here I am on vacation, 14 years old having to explain to everyone my coconut head story?
Your turn finish the story.
That's all Folks


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