What motivates you to keep your journey in Toastmasters going on from 10+ years?

Question from Quora

The product Toastmasters is almost irrelevant and that's the point. We think we know the price of something. But the value can spread out far beyond all that. Just meaning you can not put a value on something so important, communication!
Today's world is changing so fast; AI, machine learning, and robots will replace many human jobs; they need no vacations, no smoking breaks or health care, no smartphones or Facebook!
One thing that is not changing is communication!
Why do I still stay motivated? In 2003 I became involved with the Toastmaster Youth Leadership Program (YLP). It was that day I went to Alonzo High School in Tampa, Fl. for the Great American Teach-in. Here I was a three-month Toastmaster, but I felt I could contribute to a group of 16-year-olds.
Never would I have known that day would change my life. As my motivational program began, I noticed the young man in the front row was being the class clown and was not at all interested?
I had a flashback to a boy at 16 the class clown who was thrown out of the 9th grade at 16, years old, me! Yes, it is so cool to be hanging out with no job, no education and no money, yes as I lured that young man into the program that day I realized this is exactly why I joined Toastmasters, go out and speak/teach stay in school and the rest is history.
Now living in the Philippines, I have created Weebew Club: Weebew Club.
It's the opportunity to impact lives; it because you can't put a value on communication! That day that 16 years old changed my life is why after 18 years Toastmasters still motivates me!
See what the students say: www.youthspeakingtoamerica.zohosites.com
Weebew Club


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