Coffee, yes or no?

Harvard Medical School

Harvard Health Blog

Coffee may help your skin stay healthy

My comment:

It's interesting how coffee has gone from bad to good? Personally now 76 years old, I have drunk on the average 4-6 cups a day for over 50 years. I have (sorry) no doctors in my life, and yes no health concerns.
Since we are talking health, let’s include aerobic exercise, most of my life in the landscaping business I performed many hours of exercise while soaking in that vitamin( D.
Years of motocross, mountain biking, triathlon, running, and today still cycling at high levels for my age.
Being a triathlete taught me one very important thing, they were overtraining, I believe stressing the body almost every day, with not enough time to recycle is damaging your long-term health and increasing chances for injury.
As I watch my favorite sports from football to motocross to gymnastics, personally I see these athletes are driving themselves or being driven to extreme levels is why there are so many injuries.
When does the body recover, if you train all week then compete on the weekend? Possibility less training, could create better performances and less drug use?
Yes, drink more coffee.


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