
                                                        Weebew Public Speaking Club

The transition in teaching children from Florida to Naga City, the Philippines is a completely different experience. With my visit in December, I created Weebew Club as I visited my beautiful wife to be Rowena.

The children were excited I brought something new into their lives. Of course, there was an underlining factor language that was to become a major problem upon my return in April 2018.

Ok, so upon my return I was more prepared I thought? Lots of hours were spent designing my new Weebew Word Game; the game featured movable pieces with word definitions Tagalog to English, even pictures for the younger kids.

Then I used an idea Albert Einstein used with two columns of different words to find the best matches helping create new ideas. Then that silly little word language kept getting in the way. Of course the fact that the children's ages 6-13, created one problem, then my humor/sarcasm was of no value because they don't understand English, see the letters below from the students in Florida.  So Weebew Club was put back on the shelf for a while.
Well now I am depressed, I want to jump off the Skyway Bridge, but it's in St. Petersberg Fl.

How do you battle depression? I cycle in Naga, City traffic to Mt. Isarog.
Believe me this on a mountain-bike will
raise your blood pressure!

Ok, it's about 20 miles to here, then to the base
of Mt. Isarog, 2 more miles, mostly from Naga,
it is almost all uphill.

The next best way to beat depression is read, read, read and read more like below; when you're an entrepreneur you never give up? People say your 76, when will you retire; from what life, life is accomplishing stuff?  People my age go to the doctors, I go to the mountain! 
Summary of Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio by [Publishing, In A Nutshell]Steve Jobs by [Isaacson, Walter]The 48 Laws of PowerBurn Zones: Playing Life's Bad HandsOut of My Later Years: The Scientist, Philosopher, and Man Portrayed Through His Own WordsThree Cups of Deceit
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the WorldThe Choose Yourself StoriesDeep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity BeginsThe Art of Being Unmistakable: A Collection of Essays About Making a Dent in the UniverseOk, just one more try with the kids?

Weebew Club Mission 11/15/18
Every mission has a purpose and improving public speaking is the most important mission! Start teaching children around age ten; the confidence they gain is invaluable. Learning to master interview skills, presenting before audiences, are just some skills they will learn at Weebew Club.

Before moving to Naga City, and creating Weebew Club, I was a Toastmaster; ( Toastmasters.org ) teaches public speaking to adults in over 140 countries. In my 13 years as a Toastmaster, I created www.youthspeakingtoamerica.zohosites.com, in 2007,  teaching 18 Toastmaster Youth Leadership Programs;  see photos below.
Just recently we added the Green-Air-Project (GAP);  The project is about teaching the children about saving the environment, recycling the plastic bottles, engaging in art while creating a place to grow plants.

(Green plants are not just crucial to the human environment, they form the basis for the sustainability and long-term health of environmental systems. Green plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and generate the oxygen required for life. Green plants are also a good source of food and protection)  https://sciencing.com/green-plants-important-environment-6169077.html.

With Weebew Club you will experience 'The Power of TALK' and doing a small part to help save the environment!
Very important! The student must be able to understand some English!
See our new project

Chole, 12 years old, our first contest winner at Madeira Beach
Middle School, 2007


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