When do you decide it's time to change your life?

How many of you would have thought selling books or creating software or building a computer in your garage would be great investments 40 years ago, or possibly you were creating a social network in your dorm room? Not many I would think.
Those were the very early days of the internet. Today we know Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Mark Zuckerberg created some of today's most successful companies.

Now in 2019, AI, machine learning, and 5g are coming, but what has not changed until now is the calendar? Yes, its another sort of garage start-up.

We use our calendar for appointments, it reminds us? What if your calendar pops up and says House for sale, bicycle for sale, a beautiful vacation rental in the Pisqua Forest, N.C., with all the photos and info?

Maybe a little shop in your city or somewhere has an antique you want? You see it on your calendar?

Your traveling to China on business, your game is table tennis, why not just search the calendar; yes www.weebewclub.com. calendars.
You have a non-profit club, list it FREE.

Just imagine you can list anything for sale, create events, sell real estate, build a business, anything, anywhere, anytime for the world to see! 

Just on a calendar! www.weebewclub.com, just $1.50 a week.

Want to create your own business, it's hard work, start with a Weebew Calendar. 

We cover the WORLD! all in one location.

Become a member: www.weebewclub.com


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