It's time for your annual check-up?

If you're not at least 65 there is no need to read this; unless you want to know what old age has in store for you when receiving that notice "it's time for your annual check-up."


You arrive at Doctor Zhivago's office (I thought I would add a little romance to the visit), good morning Mr or Mrs or Miss, how are feeling today, fantastic your thinking what kind of bad news will I receive today? Please fill out this form, it is only 50 Questions, thank you, I,m now retired who cares my time may be limited, but who cares?

A - Please be aware of the asterisk, you must answer the question. Your answers will automatically appear in your personal medical cloud, to keep all doctors, hospitals, law enforcement, ex's and hackers advised as to any unexpected findings, that may affect your will.

B - After answering all questions honestly ( because of AI) your cloud knows more about you then you do, you are rushed through to meet with Doctor Q 51 ( a robot). There will be no time for idle chat like your aches and pains, or why your grandchildren never call. Doctor Q 51 is programmed not to care, you are now a senior and only a drain on society! Also if you are reported/as being unstable, you may appear on the senior deportation list (the list devised by our friendly politicians to save taxpayer Dollars. It,s a simple plan, they deport sort of unhealthy senior citizens, instead of illegals, it's far cheaper. Besides, it is far less expensive, to live in South American countries, your government will be applauded by the citizens for focusing on the care of illegals, and not a wall!

Q 1- * Do you a real male still get erections, without the aid of the blue pill?
Q2 - * Do you have dreams about marring a/20 something-year-old Filipino woman and living happily ever after? After all, you can live very well on SS in the Philippines, and support their family also?
Please help with some questions you may encounter?
Yours truly, a real old person; see you in the cloud!
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