Why Create Weebewclub Calendars?

The beginning of Weebew Club Dec. 2018

Hello, when you first see Weebew calendars, it will appear confusing, and I agree. However, think back to the first time began a new study, or a new project,  maybe an adventure, that is Weebewclub calendars!
Most likely you are not 77 years old, so you may consider me your ModernElder, or sage, or adviser, a sort of truth serum to life.
Having been all those places in life most have not, sort of awards me that title ModernElder ( this name created by Chip Conley, in his excellent book 'Wisdom at Work' ), or mentor to all the things good and evil, you may not have experienced yet, as I have.

So in my great wisdom, haha, I build Weebewclub calendars, because no has yet?
How did I I get here?  While attempting to teach public speaking here in Naga City, the Philippines, to children, after many years successfully teaching in Florida; my thought was how do parents, teachers, or anyone find these Youth Leadership programs, mostly guided by Toastmasters ( Toastmasters.org  teaches public speaking in over 140 countries.
Now because I am semiretired, I think why not create a calendar so anyone in the world could enter or find these mostly Toastmaster Youth Leadership Programs.
However, then in my infinite wisdom, I realize this costs money, surprise!
Well, then I start searching for a calendar that does what I need, not so simple? You may know that your electronic schedule, does not expand for anyone, anywhere to add to, why? Moreover, why not?
Well then in my brilliance, haha, I search and search for an answer? 
The answer create calendars for anyone to read or add-to information about most anything.
What if you create then the calendar to list anything, show anything, tell anything and sell anything so anyone in the world can contribute or read?
After many hours of trial and error, I have divided the calendars into sub-calendars of four each.  Examples, All Calendars,  Naga Business & Real Estate, Tell-ME social & Anything for Sale, Books & Motivational Speakers, World Sports Asia, Europe, So. America, No. America, Australia, Mountain Biking & Youth Leadership all calendars have all Sunday's for Churches and Attractions.
On all calendars, each sub-calendar may be opened and closed from the panel on the left.
Just use All Calendars to view every sub on one calendar.
Now I am asking for your help; please contribute a listing; sell a house, a bicycle, Tell a story, list an event, and more, tell us about your business and your thoughts,  on the bottom of the calendar page in our contact form.
I have started here in Naga City with Business; you can create your own Weebew Club partnership, ask me how.
Ok, you may think it's stupid, or confusing, tell me your thoughts?

You may have heard of Jeff Bezos ( Amazon ), how many people do think thought selling books online out of his garage in the very early days of the internet would become a success? 
I am not asking you for money, just some time to contribute a listing!  Tell your friends.

Ok, now since you endured my story; if you contribute a listing you will receive a free 6-month Weebew Club membership starting 6/1/19. More: www.weebewclub.com

Thank You


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