Does joining Toastmasters make a difference in your personality?

York Somerville
York Somerville, Past Director at Toastmasters International
Hi Tanu,
Don’t we all want to improve our personalities?
Everyone who joins Toastmasters seeks different goals; some are scared to death of speaking in public; some are polished speakers just seeking to improve their craft. Each with dedication and training will enhance their personality.
My recommendation is going to Youtube and watch as many of the Toastmaster World Champions as possible.
All these winners and some of the 35,000+ contestants each year started with goals like yours.
Study the words, the expressions, the gestures, how they use vocal-variety , humor and how they give purpose to each part of the broad audience and seek audience participation.
Seek out larger older clubs if possible that meet each week. The Toastmaster journey will change your life forever!
As World Champion Dananjaya Hettiarachchi said, “ I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is.”


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