How will you impact the world?

Chole, 12 years old on her way to impacting the world 2007


             Because the future is always uncertain.With the advancement of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, specific categories of technology skills will become extremely important; computer programmers, coders, computer science studies, every type of computer skill, will become high-level jobs.
  • In just the last few years the Blockchain / Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency world are advancing beyond what most even understand.
  • Driver-less cars, trucks, boats, planes and more will change the world as we know it!
  • Everything changes: From Pony Express to the mailman, Western Union to Bell Telephone, horses to cars, cars to planes, landlines to iPhone's and now Facebook has created ( Libra: ).
  •  Leadership has never changed: from Caesar to Napoleon, Abe Lincoln to Hitler, JFK to Gandhi, MLK to Bill Clinton. 
All the leaders mentioned were powerful public speakers, good or bad they impacted the world!
To lead your group or to be a leader, or help pass that job interview you must be able to present yourself, your ideas, and your program, or your story!
 Public speaking is the GATEWAY TO THE WORLD

                    BONUS PROGRAMS - Introduction to Bitcoin & Blockchain
                                      You must have English speaking skills!

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  •  Make your reservation now 
  • Contact York email:
  • On Facebook: Naga Public Speaking
  • Or text on messenger 0947 697 6447

                                   See below why knowledge of Bitcoin/Blockchain is so very important!

Why Cryptocurrency is the Next Operating System for Capitalism

  • Cryptocurrency isn’t just the future because that is what a committed band of dreamers would have you believe. It is the future because it is a new operating system for a decentralized world.
    It is the future because it takes back control of the things we are most dependent on for us to subsist. It is the future because it is already here making a difference in how we act. Bitcoin has enabled a whole generation of Venezuelans to have an alternative to crippling inflation left unchecked by corruption.
    • No longer do we have to trust a government to reign over us and carelessly prescribe dangerous monetary policy which we must accept.
    • No longer must we accept situations of austerity forced upon us due to government intervention in a financial collapse where there was no punishment for any of the individuals who caused it.
    • No longer is our future depends on the whims of governments.
    You can make any argument you like about Cryptocurrency being overvalued, about it being manipulated, about it not being a viable medium for high-frequency transactions to occur.
  • Blockchain-based voting systems provide full transparency by eliminating the need for central authorities to be involved. Technology can potentially be an answer to the question of how to keep elections and voting as secure and foolproof as possible.

  • At the current rate that society is evolving, it’s not weird to discuss the potential implementation of blockchain when it comes to connectivity and internet of things. For those of you who may be wondering what IoT — “The Internet of things” — refers to, it actually isn’t complicated at all. IoT refers to the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet — and sometimes to each other. This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, and almost anything else you can think of.
  • The communication between these devices with each other and the internet can be facilitated through blockchain technology. The distributed ledger technology allows for a list of interactions between the devices and the internet. This way, we can keep track of not only which devices interact with each other and the internet, but also what is being done through each interaction. Blockchain is designed as a basis for applications that involve transactions and interactions, so you can see why and how this might help when it comes to IoT.


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