Are the Round-up lawsuits just about money?

Are the Round-up lawsuits just about money? I have some questions, all those accusing Monsanto of lying or misleading them about safety, did they read the label? Did they follow the instructions? Read it below:
I sprayed Round-up from 1974 to 2017 and never saw anyone take the precautions Monsanto spells out on the label? Including myself, now 77 and cancer-free!
I see photos of Round-up being sprayed over crops and plants where the labels say not too?
And just in case your not familiar with why Round-up is so good, it is labeled to kill and control GRASS & WEEDS only. It can damage anything other then GRASS & WEEDS, even the user, read it on the label?
Please be sure I have no affiliation with Monsanto and since I was the second person to use Round-up for landscape maintenance starting in 1974 and a common-sense thinker, this is why I believe most of the lawsuits are just people looking for easy money?
I wonder what conclusive proof do the complaints have that Round-up has caused their cancer?
I find it interesting that a Judge would allow these cases to go
forward without proof?
If you can't prove you read the label and followed the instructions, how is there even a continuing lawsuit?
From the Round-up label
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Applicators and other handlers must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants,
shoes plus socks, and protective eyewear.
Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily
contaminated with this product’s concentrate. Do not reuse them. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for
washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from
other laundry.
When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft in a manner that
meets the requirements listed in Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural

pesticides [40 CFR 170.240 (d) (4-6)], the handler PPE requirements may be
reduced or modified as specified in the WPS


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