Do you think a public speaking class should be required in college even if your major has nothing to do with it?

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Hi Jenna,
First I want to brag a little to make an important point!
My simple resume:
York Somerville, lifetime entrepreneur
  • Owner of Youth Speaking to America
  • York Landscape LLC
  • Winner of 4 City of St. Petersburg City Beautification Awards in landscape maintenance
  • Over 50 years in the landscape maintenance business
  • Past member of the Florida Nurserymen's Organization (FNGA) middle 70's
  • Member of Professional Landscape Association ( PGMA) middle 70's
Creator of the Florida State Mountain-bike Championship Series in 1991-1994
Creator of The Next Generation off-road Series
‘ Heaven & Hell’ 1997-1999
Race director of the Mad Beach Mad Dog Triathlon 1999-2003
Event director St. Pete Mad Dog Triathlon club 1999-2003
Joined Tampa Toastmasters 2003, and
Saint Petersburg Toastmasters Club 2004-2015
Speaker at The Great American Teach-in
Presenter at Toastmaster Leadership Institutes Training and District Conferences
Creator of Youth Speaking to America (YSTA) 2007
Presenter of over 50 Toastmaster Youth Leadership Programs
Created Weebew Club 12/2017
Creator of:
Believes in training the mind and body, through diet, exercise, and good reading.
Ok, if you read this far I did all this the hard way with a 9th-grade education? Yes, I was thrown out of school at 16!
I missed out on learning English skills, sentence structure, how to even balance a checkbook, plus at sixteen I am not sure I had ever read a complete book?
Today technology is the future, AI, machine learning, +++.
Beyond any education endeavors you have, you must study COMPUTER SCIENCE, AND LEARN TO CODE; along with PUBLIC SPEAKING!
In the next 10 years, computers will run most of everything!
But there must still be leaders, and all Presidents, CEOs, bosses, good job interviews require speaking skills!
In 1965 I took the Dale Carnegie course HOW TO WIN FRIENDS and INFLUENCE PEOPLE, then about $300, today about $2,000?
Find a Toastmasters Club and join, for about $100 a year or in Naga City, Philippines, Weebewclub.
WHY AT 77 DO I WRITE HERE? Beacuse at 16, nobody was guiding my education!
Read MY STORY York's Story
Just remember to pay it forward!
 requested by Jenna 


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