How to move a country into the 21st Century, read the Yellow Paper.

Empower our future leaders
The definition of a Yellow Paper is Caution. it could be brilliant or just BS!

Many will be offended by what I will write here?  After living here now for a year and a half my  I will use  Naga City as my model and why and how to bring Naga into the 21st century.

Lately, my mind is a swirl with the idea of how to fix the problems listed below?

So who am I just a guy 77 years old, with no formal education, except life! This is not about politics, because politicians can't fix this country, no different than the USA!

Only the PEOPLE can fix it!

Sadly even the best politicians get sucked into the system, regardless of whether your the president, mayor or congressperson, only votes and feeding your pocket control you; so the real needs of the people never get fixed! That's everywhere! That's Kings, Queens, Presidents, to bit rulers, mayors, town councils, sadly many have graduated to the Peter Principle ( the highest level of their incompetency?) What powers them? Money and the power of public speaking!

So now if you're still reading and mad as HELL at this American with a 9th-grade education, maybe I have your attention?

A WHILE BACK I READ THE PRESIDENT HERE SAID HE WANTED TO MAKE THE PHILIPPINES A TOP 25 ECONOMY; I LAUGHED, does he have a grasp on the real problems? I seriously doubt it!

  • Holes in the so-called sidewalks big enough to swallow a small child?
  • Holes on the roads, very dangerous for cyclists and all vehicles.
  • Sewage running down streets in so-called drainage ditches?
  • Dogs that bark for hours, always tied-up or in cages! Sad!
  • Thousands of fires ( trash being burned ) all over the country. Yes, there is a big concern for the plastic floating in our waterways, but what about the air we breathe? What about the health of the children?
  • The garbage piled on a corner as in Sta Cruz, waiting to be picked up? With no system to contain it.
  • Parking on the so-called sidewalks? This forces people to walk in the streets.
  • Many have no running water at home, people pee on the side of the road anywhere?
  • Children spend more time out of school than getting educated?
  • No traffic rules?
  • If you drive or cycle in Naga, it is like the start of a motocross race or the sprint finish of the Tour de France.
  • Children not learning English? Why does that matter you may ask? Simply because English is the only language spoken everywhere in business; if you go to the USA to work you will need it?  
  • Sadly here average wages here are about $5-10 a day, in the USA minimum wage is at least $7.55 an hour.
  • Sadly I believe the Philippines cannot progress because of religion!
  • Ok, now you think I have something against the Church, NO!
  • Well, sex is a beautiful thing, and because there is no birth control here, we have an overabundance of labor, especially young people?
  • So how do we employ all these young people?
  • When I walk thru Vista Mall often, I see groups, young men or women, standing around, chatting or staring at the phone ( do you think they are reading the Wealth of Nations) I doubt it.
  • This is most of the time they are doing nothing, oh yes I guess they are paid, but what a few pesos; what are they learning about business just standing around? Does anyone care about their future?
  • Maybe they should read The Wealth of Nations? ( Adam Smith's masterpiece, first published in 1776, is the foundation of modern economic thought and remains the single most important account of the rise of, and the principles behind, modern capitalism. Written in clear and incisive prose, The Wealth of Nations articulates the concepts indispensable to an understanding of contemporary society.) Amazon kindle now $.049 on kindle.
  • The overabundance of labor here keeps the young adult down; unless the parent has seen they get a real education?
  • Most all of us had to start at the bottom, as I got mentored into the landscaping business on Long Island, N.Y., and in 1958 earning $.090 an hour.
  • We have the responsibility to lead, to mentor our children. And sadly if you bring children into this world with no education, no understanding of the economics of how you will provide them education, and the understanding of money and work ethics, they lose!
  • How does the government gain control of more funds needed to address the many problems?
  • I would guess that millions of Filipinos pay very little taxes that would help support fixing the problems above?
  • If you shop at a roadside stand or sori-sori store or street vendor you may be paying zero taxes!
So now you think well the government should fix this kerfuffle, really how are they doing so far?
The truth is we are the government, how are we doing?

GOVERNMENT CAN'T FIX THIS, the people must!

Next: How to move the Philippines ( Naga City ) into the 21st Century


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