Black or White color doesn't make people different, only stupid does!.


Please before you call me whatever watch Candance Owens on youtube ( yes she is an Uncle Tom ) 

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Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's why:
Please excuse my grammar and poor writing skills

Friends, every time there is a Black/White issue, sadly the truth is never spoken, even the great white hope Barack Obama always took the side of the criminal?  Few new George Floyd was in prison 5 times and at the time of his death under the influence of drugs ( discovered in 2 autopsies, George Floyd did not die from the policemen's knee on his neck ).

Few know that in 2019 - 9 black men died because of conflict with the police, few know that almost 50% of crime in the U.S. is from black men!

That's 9 out of 340 million people. So instead you riot, steal, murder, and destroy communities where blacks live?

Interestingly here in the Philippines, a large percentage of people are very poor! and never riot!
  • They cook with charcoal fires
  • Wash all clothes by hand
  • Shower with a bucket
  • Most don't have running water, and go to the community faucet for water to clean, shower, even cook.
  • Wages here are around $10 a day if you're lucky
  • In the US, the minimum wage is about $7.50 per hour, so 7.50 x 8 hours is $60 in one day. So in the Philippines if you work 6 days you make $60 a week
  • Except for street people in the US most have running water, stoves, cell phones, healthcare and so much more, even illegals, even rioters!
Friends the real truth is the riots ( are supported from outside ) are created mostly by the media and anti Trumpers, they have nothing to do with George Floyd, just politics!

Yes, Donald Trump is crude, is crass, and whatever you want to call him, I am sure he even tells lies, OMG! 

 Please tell me what the great white hope Barack Obama did to help the black man? Or even Joe Biden?

No one since MLK has done anything to improve the black community and black lives, except Donald Trump, unemployment way down and incomes up, before COVID. 

But you criticize Candance Owens, and all the Uncle Tom's because they moved out of a hostile black community ( where everything is the white man's fault ) , because they decided education was important, and it was up to them to improve their lives! 

Please tell me what the Al Sharpton, Jesse Jacksons, and Barack Obama have done to improve the black community? They take your money, they buy your vote with BS!

The truth in my life my best friend is a black man of over 50 years. In my 60 years  in the landscaping business in the US, I worked with and employed many black people, and never did we have any racial conflict, because color doesn't make people different, only stupid does.




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