
Showing posts from November, 2018

What will be the highest and the lowest if you’re going to rate your English communication skills?

                                                                          WHATsUP 2015, The Battle of the Champions, Steven, Michael and York Question on Quora Great question, mostly I started writing because when I became a Toastmaster, I had to write my speeches, at first. Then I learned to write them in my head, and my speaking improved 100%. Sadly my grammar skills are the worst Grammarly helps some. Then I read: Srinivas talks about his struggles to become a writer; then he started writing 1000 words a day. Now years later he has published three books. So I decided to try, I have my blog: Napkins & Roosters ( Napkins & Roosters ) and I answer questions on Quora about public speaking, I write about life and common sense on the blog. Never have I dreamed I could reach the level of the folks I read. Toastmasters introduced me to the Youth Leadership Program (YLP); I created ( ) in 2007 and taught 18 public speak

My new Life on messenger!

Being an entrepreneur is a challenge; so as all entrepreneurs do you come up with a brilliant idea? Go to Facebook and friend everyone possible, brilliant right? Well, my reason brilliant of course is when my new Weebew Events project is ready I will introduce it to the Facebook world!  Simple right? Then the fun just starts, little did I know how many people had my family name. But the serious stuff was just beginning; just imagine me 76 years old tired, wrinkled and trying to keep up with my 46-year-old wife, being sent all the friend requests by beautiful women ( yes with extremely large bosoms ) OMG, wait until my wife sees this, eke! Can't an old guy have a little peace and sanity? Don't even laugh it gets even better. If you ever saw the movie Joe Dirt, well that's me at 76? So I told my wife about my new career as a messenger; of course, she was upset and going to have a baby soon, if you're a man you know they don't understand male fun,
Question from Quora How can I get a speech on the topic “students are the future of the country”? Why are students the future? My answer. Start reading, everything about technology, about Bitcoin/blockchain/cryptocurrencies. Go to youtube, see how AI and machine learning are slowly changing the world, who will be the leaders, they who can communicate. The future will serve those who are prepared, they will be the leaders. Pay attention now, look forward, envision what and how you can be a part of that future. Study public speaking, join a Toastmasters club, leaders are good communicators, leaders are readers, read a book a week, then you will be ready to be the future!. Stop staring at that phone, unless its educational, Facebook does not pay your bills, unless it's your business? Education is almost free to Google it! My recommended book list: Ego is the enemy - Ryan Holiday The story of the Blockchain - Omid Malekan The Bitcoin Standard - Saifdean Ammous 365 Thank

Coffee, yes or no?

                                                                        WHATsUP Harvard Health Blog Coffee may help your skin stay healthy My comment: It's interesting how coffee has gone from bad to good? Personally now 76 years old, I have drunk on the average 4-6 cups a day for over 50 years. I have (sorry) no doctors in my life, and yes no health concerns. Since we are talking health, let’s include aerobic exercise, most of my life in the landscaping business I performed many hours of exercise while soaking in that vitamin( D. Years of motocross, mountain biking, triathlon, running, and today still cycling at high levels for my age. Being a triathlete taught me one very important thing, they were overtraining, I believe stressing the body almost every day, with not enough time to recycle is damaging your long-term health and increasing chances for injury. As I watch my favorite sports from football to motocross to gymnastics, personally I see these athletes a

The Greatest Performance Ever!

                                                                        WHATsUP Have you ever looks back and thought about what could have been the most moving point in your life? That moment. That left you breathless, made you smile, made you cry because it was so powerful?  I did just recently. Just imagine you watched every American Idol and almost every talent style show since. You've seen all the best athletes ever, watched Michael Jackson, arguably the most talented performer ever, watched King Elvis, the crooner Frank, and in the last few years Brain Justin Crum, and Lousia  Johnson have shown amazing vocal abilities, and of course Witney Huston. Being a Toastmaster for 13 years, I have been honored to watch so many excellent public speakers. As a Toastmaster, you learn how to capture your audience, make them smile, laugh, clap, and even cry! The Toastmasters 2015 World Champion  Dananjaya Hettiarachchi  to me is that speaker, he cap

Letter to my step-daughter

                                                                         WHATsUP I am sad and hurt that we have no communication? Your mother and I have invested a lot in your education, for which I expect nothing, except, effort. Yes, you are now in your 4th year of  college, you have 1000% more school than I, who was thrown out in the 9th grade at 16. But for some reason I always did three important  things : Always be early Always put out a first-class effort, even more than is expected. Always show up, no games, stories, no excuses Bosses are watching, business succeeds,  because that phone is not in your hand,  it is in your pocket, and you care! Jobs, don't come to you, learning does not fall out of the sky, it is all on you! Today education is almost free, but it is not on Facebook or a TV, its books and YouTube. Almost any course or how too can be found free or very cheap. I suggest reading  Medium  online, it is hundreds of smart people writin

What motivates you to keep your journey in Toastmasters going on from 10+ years?

Question from Quora The product Toastmasters is almost irrelevant and that's the point. We think we know the price of something. But the value can spread out far beyond all that. Just meaning you can not put a value on something so important, communication! Today's world is changing so fast; AI, machine learning, and robots will replace many human jobs; they need no vacations, no smoking breaks or health care, no smartphones or Facebook! One thing that is not changing is communication! Why do I still stay motivated? In 2003 I became involved with the Toastmaster Youth Leadership Program (YLP). It was that day I went to Alonzo High School in Tampa, Fl. for the Great American Teach-in. Here I was a three-month Toastmaster, but I felt I could contribute to a group of 16-year-olds. Never would I have known that day would change my life. As my motivational program began, I noticed the young man in the front row was being the class clown and was not at all inte

This makes me proud to be a Toastmaster!

The Power of TALK!                                                                                          The Green-Air-Project Some of my 5 years at Pasadena Fundamental St. Petersburg, Fl., thank you to a wonderful 5th grade teacher Ms. Cheryl Rice Steven & Michael Battle of the Champions 2015 NEW  Green-Air-Project Oct. 2018, Naga City                  Lauren B. double contest winner Weebew Club is about curiosity, creativity, imagination, finances, saving and learning.  WC will be divided into parts: (1) Introduction to The Power of TALK Spelling and sentence structure Public Speaking Very important! The student must be able to understand some English! (2) Green-Air-Project ENVIRONMENT:  The GREEN-AIR-PROJECT  is all about creating a cleaner future. Our painting project on recycled plastic bottles will create homes for plants supporting the CAPTURE of CARBON in the atmosphere. SAVING (5 for 5):   With each sessions p


                                                                        WHATsUP                                                         Weebew Public Speaking Club The transition in teaching children from Florida to Naga City, the Philippines is a completely different experience. With my visit in December, I created Weebew Club as I visited my beautiful wife to be Rowena. The children were excited I brought something new into their lives. Of course, there was an underlining factor language that was to become a major problem upon my return in April 2018. Ok, so upon my return I was more prepared I thought? Lots of hours were spent designing my new Weebew Word Game; the game featured movable pieces with word definitions Tagalog to English, even pictures for the younger kids. Then I used an idea Albert Einstein used with two columns of different words to find the best matches helping create new ideas. Then that silly little word language kept getting in the way. Of co